Interior door options and current trends

The earlier perception of the door as an interior element, which mainly fulfills the function of separating individual rooms, is now supplemented with an emotional side, and many of us demand, in addition to the functioning practical properties of the door, its modern and design appearance, which often turns the former ash into a dominant element in the interior.

What is the current design trend? Minimalism clearly rules, which is no longer just the domain of art, philosophy or architecture, but has become a sought-after lifestyle. Minimalism brings simplicity, timelessness, freedom from everything superfluous to design. The design and material solutions of modern interior doors have also adapted to this.

Door wings of atypical dimensions are currently popular in interior design, often filling the entire height from floor to ceiling. This ingenious design solution is made possible by the anodized aluminum from which the door frame is made. The combination of this classic material and the tempered glass filling creates a door with a simple design and great strength, so it is really possible to choose atypical dimensions. „Currently, glass infills, which are characterized by a visual division of glass, are in great demand. With the new IDEALINE door, we solve this requirement by using subtle vertical or horizontal aluminum profiles in different mutual arrangements,“ explains Petr Paksi, JAP company executive. FUTURE and continues: „The WOOD door variant reflects an interesting trend. The frame of this door is also made of aluminum, but it is covered with veneer in a walnut or oak decor.‘

The solid aluminum frame also has other interesting uses, both in terms of the material used for the door inlay and in terms of overall parameters such as height or sound insulation. „If you want to have a real unmistakable original at home, treat yourself to a MASTER door. Cladding the frame is possible with various materials, glass, MDF board in raw, lacquered or veneered design, mirror, laminates, stone veneer or magnetic board, even in any combination of them,“ adds Petr Paksi. With the door construction of this type, you may or may not keep the same shape of the wing on both sides.

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